Thursday, November 29, 2012

Increasing Biological Output

Ever since my competitive career (NCAA American Football) ended in November of 2011, I have been searching for some sort of methodology and means of training that will fit my into my life, around school, work, family, friends and will help me achieve goals, keep me lean and at a high level of preparedness and fitness.

Basically I wanted to continue to be an athlete, without training for anything specific.

What I've discovered through my study and experimentation with my own training program, is that overall goals of the training process should be to increase biological output.

What increasing biological output comes down to is simply improving the working ability of your body's systems as a whole (ergo organism). 

This-as I've come to realize from the readings of Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky, Charlie Francis & Mel Siff, along with seeing the practical examples from coaches such as James Smith, Buddy Morris & Mark McLaughlin-can be done in MANY, MANY different ways.

You do not have to squat, bench press, deadlift, do the Olympic lifts, or any other specific exercise (mean) in order to increase your biological output.  What you must do in order to increase biological output is to perform physical activity, in specific parameters, that will elicit specific biochemical, morphological and physiological adaptations.

These include:
-Increase in total amount of creatine phosphate 
-Larger number of mitochondria in the cells (and increase in size via hyperplasia)
-Faster splitting of ATP into creatine phosphate and inorganic phosphate 
-High oxidative capacity of both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers 
-Hypertrophy of muscle fibers and immune cells
-Parasympathetic dominant autonomic nervous system
-Faster neural drive from the CNS 

This is an incomplete list of the desired general adaptations for an organism (athlete).

When you have no TRUE goals or objectives in your training because you have no governing sporting rules (or personal goals) that require specific adaptations, your only goal should be to increase your biological output.

For instance, I have no desire to compete in powerlifitng, Olympic lifting, bodybuilding, CrossFit, or play any team or individual sport now that I am no longer competing in American Football; however, I want to be strong, fast, powerful, have great stamina (work capacity) and endurance, that is why I turn to biology in order to govern my training process.

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